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Fully Integrated and Automated Compliance Platform

ckyc software vendor solutions

Banking Regulatory Compliance Software - iSolve


Various types of CBS integration - Automation

Integrate with Multiple CBS to manage CKYC

CERSAI communication via SFTP for upload customer zip and download images – Automation

SFTP secured connectivity for Upload & Download

Image optimization – Automation

Auto optimisation of images on CERSAI parameters

ckyc software vendor solutions

Central Know Your Customer (CKYC) is an initiative of the India Government where a centralized registry of KYC records of customers in the financial sector is maintained. The objective of the initiative is to have a structure in place that allows investors to complete their KYC only once, thereby reducing the burden of producing KYC documents every time a new investment is made with various entities.

ckyc compliance management

iSolve CKYC compliance management helps banks, financial institutions, NBFCs (Non-Banking Financial Company), e-Wallet companies and other lending companies.

iSolve’s CKYC platform offers the best CKYC solution for all your compliance requirements. We offer customized solutions for various financial institutions. These include:

Comprehensive Dashboard

Monitor your business with key reports, metrics & forecast

Capture Customer Details

Enrich customer data with CKYC platform

Scan | Crop | Verify customer documents

Digitise and verify documents at ease

Request to CERSAI

Commute with ease to CERSAI

Receive Response by CERSAI

CERSAI response on CKYC platform ease out the operations

Design, Develop, Implement & Hosting

Direct cost saving, focus on your core business

Business Insight & Analytics

Monitor operations anywhere

API Search

Search to CERSAI with API integration

Upload to CERSAI

Secured upload of file to CERSAI

Provisions action on CERSAI response

Edit, modify, update Image & data based on CERSAI response

Auto Compress files and batch creation

Automated file compression and batch creation for validated data

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