Instant alert for ad-hoc sample pick-up
Real time scanning & Upload with mobile, instantly available as digital copy
Tracks the positioning of an Individual, Data on distance covered
This platform can be customized to suit all your healthcare management challenges.
Monitor your business with key reports, metrics & forecast
Instant alerts on activities
Sit, relax and watch what’s happening on the field
Track & monitor the position of FEs
Instant digital acknowledgement to customers on payment collection
Real time business from client made easy
Direct cost saving, focus on your core business
Platform to be stronger and unique
Monitor operations anywhere
Scanning of batch sheet, TRF digitally available on the desk any time
Real time tracking & monitoring of sample transition
Collection made easy through app, recon made easy
Helps track performance of an employee, guide them to improve
Ensures receipt and accounting of payment
Weena 290,
3012NJ, Rotterdam,
The Netherlands.
M: +31 649562630